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10 Chartered Accountants


The New COVID-19 Tier System
25 November 2020

The New COVID-19 Tier System

The New COVID-19 Tier System

When the national temporary lockdown ends in England on 2 December 2020, the country will enter a new tougher, tiered local system of restrictions.

To help you understand what you can and cannot do under this new system, please use our helpful chart:

Tier 1 - Medium

Tier 2 – High

Tier 3 – Very High

Socially mixing Indoors

Permitted but rule of six applies

Not permitted (unless part of support bubble)

Not permitted (unless part of support bubble)

Socially mixing outdoors

Permitted but rule of six applies

Permitted but rule of six applies

Not permitted in private spaces, but rules of six can be observed in public areas, such as parks

Businesses and venues

Businesses and venues can remain open, in a COVID secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs

Businesses and venues can remain open, in a COVID secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs

Businesses and venues can remain open, in a COVID secure manner, other than those which remain closed by law, such as nightclubs


Pubs, cafes, bars and restaurants can remain open until 11pm, but must do table service and last orders at 10pm

Takeaways and delivery permitted after 11pm

Pubs, cafes, bars and restaurants serving food can remain open until 11pm. Table service only and last orders at 10pm.

Alcohol can only be served with a substantial meal (where meals aren’t served the venue should close)

Takeaways and delivery permitted after 11pm

Bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants must close

Entertainment venues i.e. casinos,
bingo halls, bowling alleys etc

Must close by 11pm

Theatres and cinemas can remain open longer where a performance begins before 10pm and doesn’t conclude until after 11pm

Must close by 11pm

Theatres and cinemas can remain open longer where a performance begins before 10pm and doesn’t conclude until after 11pm

All indoor entertainment venues must close, including indoor attractions at mostly outdoor entertainment venues

Weddings and funerals

Permitted with limited attendance

Permitted with limited attendance

Permitted with limited attendance

Sporting events, music performances and business events

Attendance permitted in limited numbers

Attendance permitted in limited numbers

No public attendance permitted (elite sport events to go ahead without spectators)

Leisure and outdoor activities

Indoor leisure permitted and organised outdoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes can continue

Indoor leisure permitted and organised outdoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes can continue

Leisure and sports facilities may continue to stay open, but group exercise classes are not permitted.

Organised outdoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes can continue, unless they involve high-risk contact

Personal care i.e. barbers, hairdressers and beauty salons

Can remain open

Can remain open

Can remain open


All non-essential travel to Tier 3 areas should be avoided and the rules in Tier 2 areas followed when visiting

Travel to a Tier 1 area must observe Tier 2 rules. All non-essential travel to Tier 3 areas should be avoided.

Travel to venues or amenities which are open is permitted, but non-essential journeys limited

People are advised not to travel into and out of Tier 3 areas

If you are concerned that ongoing restrictions in your area could affect your ability to trade and you require support, please speak to our team.

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