Kickstart Scheme and apprenticeship incentives extended
05 October 2021
Speaking at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak announced extensions to both the Kickstart Scheme and incentives to employers to take on apprentices.
The Kickstart Scheme
Government support for the Kickstart Scheme, which helps employers offer work placements to 16-24 year olds on Universal Credit will be extended to March 2022 with applications for employers remaining open until 17 December 2021.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor confirmed that the Government will continue to offer £3,000 incentive payments to employers that take on apprentices until 31 January 2022.
Find out more
Further details of these measures are expected in the Budget on Wednesday 27 October.
If you are planning to take on staff for the first time or to increase your workforce, please contact us today for help and advice.
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