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10 Chartered Accountants


Contracts & Agreements
20 May 2020

The impact of the Coronavirus crisis may mean that you are approached by suppliers or customers to review the terms of existing contracts or, in the event of suppliers failing, it may mean you have to negotiate new contracts with new suppliers.

Assistance with business plans and pricing reviews
20 May 2020

Under-pricing your goods and services to attract new customers is a tactic used by many businesses. In the short term, it keeps the work rolling in and your staff busy. But the ‘keeping busy’ strategy only works for so long. In the longer term it can be detrimental to your business model.

Payroll & HR advice
20 May 2020

The payroll and HR landscape has changed almost beyond recognition in recent months. Following the easing of the lockdown, your workers will inevitably have many questions and requests that you will need to deal with, balancing your employee’s demands with the needs of your business.

Practical Employment Law Considerations For Returning to Work
20 May 2020

Large volumes of employees returning to a shared workplace (especially if public transport is used) represents a huge risk for the spreading and contracting of Coronavirus so the phased return approach has been introduced. Only those whose roles require them to be in the office/workplace will return first, with others who...

Employment contracts – changes to package and benefits
20 May 2020

As businesses work to rebuild in the months ahead, future profitability and even viability may mean that efficiencies will need to be made. If these cuts extend to a reduction or change in your employees’ package of benefits, this will normally involve a change to their employment contract.

Furlough – continuation and return to work
20 May 2020

The CJRS scheme will initially run until the end of October. Our payroll team can help you furlough employees in compliance with the new legislation and apply for funding for CJRS via HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and manage your return to work payroll requirements.

Business Finance
20 May 2020

Back in February, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) issued disclosure guidance to companies in response to the growing risks associated with Coronavirus. By law, companies must disclose any material risks. We have already seen a number of large household name companies issuing profit warnings and downsizing...

Loans and other methods of finance
20 May 2020

The Government has announced a raft of business assistance to help companies large and small. The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) is available to UK-based SME businesses with an annual turnover of £45 million or below, and they are able to apply through the British Business Bank, which will lend eligible...

Property Owners
20 May 2020

The UK residential property sector has been adversely affected by the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and landlords and tenants may wonder where they stand. To assist tenants and landlords, the Government has introduced several temporary changes to legislation and issued a lot of guidance that attempts to cover a number of scenarios.

COVID-19 – An assessment of safe working arrangements
18 May 2020

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, businesses must assess how their work environment and arrangements can be made safe for employees and visitors. In response to the Government guidance, we have put together guidelines on the steps you may need to take as a business to provide safe working arrangements.

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Case Studies